Friday, January 6, 2012


Originally released in 1971 Feel the Need in Me by The Detroit Emeralds came back as a Tom Moulton mix in 1977.  The guys were from Little Rock, Arkansas and had a few other minor hits but Feel the Need is considered their classic.  Original version and the Tom Moulton 1977 version

The disconet remix was featured in their Classics Program 1 and the download is even available on Amazon.  DISCONET REMIX
I love the label art on the Westbound Records U.S. 45 release in 1972.

But the definitive copy to have is Tom Moulton's Atlantic remix from 1977.  It became a morning music classic at The Saint and on Fire Island where d.j.'s like Susan Morabito had the good taste to spin it and bring it to a new audience.

Not that I'm really feeling it but for posterity I'll throw you the Genya Ravan version.

Why even child star turned strung out junkie Leif Garret threw out a version.  It was the title track from his l.p. which featured the smash hit I was Made for Dancin'.  An example of jumping on the disco bandwagon that worked out well.

Here he is lip synching on Italian television.

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