Wednesday, September 11, 2019

Sharing is Caring, keep Disco Vinyl going, every little bit helps, pub-9672253206618216, DIRECT, f08c47fec0942fa0

Feel free to join file factory.  It's the site I use for uploading and if you join too they give me a commission and you can download my posts a lot quicker.  You will also have tons of space to upload your own stuff too.  Their prices are very fair.  REFERRAL LINK

Click through on Follow Me and read the description about me on the right side of this page.  Stay in touch.  Let me know about you.  Maybe the experience can become just a tad less anonymous for a few of us.  Leave comments on my blog posts.

And feel free to give me a little gift.  It's a sign that you care about what I'm doing here.  You can paypal me at and check off that it is a gift.  I'll be so appreciative.  I work as an ESL teacher and there are a lot of periods throughout the year when my lessons drop down to zero so sometimes these gifts come through at exactly a moment when I'm most in need.


  1. number 1 great blog, extremely appreciated and you should post more.
    number 2 i dont think your blog will get taken down. the songs you put up aren't really ones that people are trying to tell so no one will get mad.

  2. Dear Michael,

    I really appreciate your effort uploading and updating on your blog. I think it is the only possible way I can thank you for what you do. I enjoy enormously your recommendations, and its only that. We love music, not a crime. As for profit, I will most definitely find your stores and pick some of your records.

    thanks again!!

  3. i rely solely on the amazing abilities of bloggers like yourself and thebeatelectric to dig through the endless mountain of bad disco/funk/etc and present gems like these that would otherwise be completely forgotten forever. As for your store, i will support, but dont let it discourage you. i've had 10+ songs chart in the last 2 years, plus tv/film placements, etc, bla bla... i have yet to see a dime. id say you have to do it for the love, but thats really cleche. You have to do it...because thats what you do! If you can envision yourself doing something else, then stop and do that. Regardless, i cant tell you how much i appreciate your contribution to the current music scene as well as scenes passed.

  4. Well I do lots of other things too. I certainly don't blog as often as others do. But I try to keep my posts to high quality stuff. I also prefer to lean towards a bit more rare when possible.

  5. Your blog is one of many I visit on a regular basis, and have always appreciated it and enjoyed it. So here's hoping you keep posting for years to come. I wouldn't worry about being taken down cause if its going to happen it's going to happen - not much you can do about it.

  6. Just wanted to let you know that you and your blog are appreciated!

  7. Yes, as Mike S has said, great blog and very much appreciated.

  8. I'm not currently selling vinyl on eBay anymore.

  9. Hi

    Just wondering where your page to Disco Circus' Over and Over is?
    I am curious as to what info you have about that song/group.

    I share your option concerning Come on Closer by Pineapples. I think it top-10 Italo.
    I would include Over and Over too.

    Patiently waiting that post! :)


  10. I did not write a post about Disco Circus. So I don't know why you are asking me.
