Monday, April 1, 2013

Disco Bambina (a California girl who moved to Italy)

Heather Parisi was born in LA. in 1960 but she has been based in Italy since the seventies.  It used to be a big thing on Italian television to have an pretty American girl with pronunciation issues to be used as comic relief.  She took the role to it's highest power and was even able to translate it into a fairly successful recording career.  Disco Bambina/Blackout a double A side was actually a #1 hit in Italy and is even known in some other countries.  It has since become quite the collectible 12".

Heather is still considered a successful showgirl and she also does choreography, working on Big Brother in addition to other projects.  As an Italian American living in Rome I guess I can relate to her a bit.  No matter how long I stay I will never speak Italian with the perfect Italian accent but I don't even try so I guess it doesn't matter.

I have not had the opportunity for this type of glamourous lifestyle.  I have settled for teaching Italians how to speak English.  It's not stressful and has allowed me to meet a lot of people in the past 15 years. I blog because I live in the past a lot, at least in my mind.  There was a time in the past when I was very clubby.  I've moved on and it's not necessarily a bad thing.

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