Wednesday, April 24, 2013

HOT LINE PROMO 12" The Sylvers 1976

It was 1976 and I had just transferred to a new school, a more urban hip school.  Probably too urban for me and my up to then provincial nature, I lasted only a few months before transferring to Catholic school.  But I remember one thing.  In that middle school there was a student paper.  In the paper there was a page where you could vote for your favorite song.  The competition was between two songs Walk This Way by Aerosmith and Hot Line by The Sylvers.
Honestly do you even need to hesitate before guessing my choice?

The Sylvers started out in Memphis, TN. before moving to Harlem.  A lot of their earlier stuff is quite collectible.  I know they provided me with a lot of joy in the 70's.  The 80's were not so kind to them but some of the members went on to producing other acts and were very successful at that.

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