Tuesday, May 7, 2013

Let's Go Round Again (one more time) Average White Band

Average White Band had a worldwide massive funky jazz hit with Pick up the Pieces.  Later in their career they came up with Let's Go Round Again.  In 1980 it became a hit in the U.K. and in the U.S. a favorite at The Saint and Fire Island.  But It didn't have the huge commercial success of some of their earlier hits.  Co-Produced by the Genius David Foster  The recent edit by DJ Meme gives it more of a house feeling and an extra long introduction.  A solid piece of work that respects the original while spicing it up for punters in this day and age.  Meme Bootleg
This Scottish group had it's first release in 1973 and were prolific for quite a bit longer, over twenty years.  But the hits were few and far between, not that that is what makes a band.  They are a solid act that will be remembered for sheer talent, they were no flash in the pan.  

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