Monday, August 18, 2014

WEEK END by CLASS ACTION "tonight it's party time, it's party time tonight"

Week End by Class Action is an example of how the remake is better then the original.  Now I know a lot of DJ's that would dispute this but I have a strong feeling they are all about five years or more older then me.  You see in 1978 when the Phreek version was out I was too young to go out clubbing.

But by 1983 when the Class Action version was out I was not only out I was out practically every night.  And I certainly was hoping to find a friend to spend at least a few minutes...

It's not like Christine Wiltshire should complain she's the voice on both versions.  In my zip I also include a Larry Levan remix and a more revamped version by the illustrious John Morales who used to mix as part of the fabulous M & M mix with the late Sergio Munzibai.
your weekend zip

I might add that the Class Action version was much bigger on the dance charts but I know most people don't judge success or quality by charts.

Anyway I ask you to always click on my ads to show your appreciation for my disco vinyl blog.  If I begin to see an increase in clicks I will also write more posts.  Eventually those pennies google gives do add up.

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