Sunday, November 9, 2014


Love and Music is one of those more subtle Italo disco classics.  It doesn't smash you over the head on the first couple listens but later it gets under your skin.  And with a genius like Tony Carrasco behind it what would you expect?

Tony was behind lots of my favorite italo disco records especially Klein and M.B.O. of which he was a member and Plastic Mode and Moonbase and many others.  These acts were basically aliases for Tony.   Say Hi to Tony on his Facebook page TONY'S FACEBOOK.  I know I do.  I've been waiting for him to come to Rome to spin so we can meet up.

Now back to Love N' Music, it's so well loved that there was even a remix done in 2004 which was released on a Swiss label.  Still of course with the vocals by Celeste Johnson a model from Chicago who was first featured on this track and the later went on to release some singles as a solo artist.  A few of which are sung in Italian.  I like the way she glides between Italian and English on love n' music especially because Italian in Italo Disco is actually quite rare.  What's more this girl can sing.  The fun here is that she of course sings Italian with an American accent sort of a spin on the typical Italo Disco trait of English sung with an Italian accent.  A RIS ZIP  I should know after 17 years in Italy that a lot of Italians love the sound of Americans speaking Italian.  Though sometimes you can't tell if they are laughing with you or at you!

I might add that Love N' Music was featured on I Love Disco Diamonds Volume 22.  If you don't know the Disco Diamonds series I urge you to look into them.  They are without a doubt the very best collections of Italo Disco ever compiled on CD.  They are quite collectible but nowhere near the amount of $ it would cost you to get a lot of these gems on vinyl that they spotlight.

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