Thursday, January 7, 2016

A super early version of ambient music, a classic of Morning Music, Ozo's Anambra

The first place I heard this was at The Loft.  It blew me away.  It sounded so cool and it gave such a refreshing break to the evening.

Certain songs have become Morning Music classics.  It's hard to know why.  A few years ago I did a big run-down listing many of them and some opinions about the difference between sleaze and morning music.  But the links are mostly dead and I don't have the patience to compile them all again.

But I will give you this one in a zip.  It even includes a more recent edit, and the original from 1976.  I think you'll agree that this is a special record.  HOW ETHEREAL IS IT?


  1. Michael I'm very curious about those morning music classics. Do you have a link to that list? Don't worry about dead links, I'm more than happy to do some youtube hunting.

  2. All you had to do was use the search function up top writing morning music.
    Anyway if you want to help with high quality mp3's you could save me time. You can probably find them all on you tube but that doesn't interest me.

  3. Do'h! The search link! Many thanks.
