Monday, August 21, 2017

The Sound of Spaghetti Dance, italo disco and 80's phenomenon

Today's treat is this fabulous documentary about Italo Disco featuring many of the originators.  There are subtitles but if you understand Italian you'll be able to appreciate it more.

The Sound of Spaghetti Dance Documentary

I've just started this book.  When I finish it I'll cover it, review it, and basically help translate some of it since it's only available in Italian.

Some fun facts from the beginning mentions that Gazebo has sold 12,000,000 records worldwide.

Italo Disco was primarily a male driven genre and in a sense was a response to all the female driven records of the late 70's disco music scene.

The book also mentions that Gazebo (Paul Mazzolini) along with Ryan Paris, Carrara, P.Lion, Ago, George Aaron, Savage, Linda Jo Rizzo, Martinelli, Righiera and Den Harrow are some of the most recognizable faces of Italo disco and that they are still active today.  Tom Hooker lives in Las Vegas and is a successful artist.  He has carried on a longstanding feud with Den Harrow (since he was the actual voice of most of Den's hits).  I have posted a video about this a few years back so you can check it out using the search function above.  Tom Hooker like yours truly was born in Connecticut.

Note how all the Italo Disco stars were pretty.  It appears to be a fact that they were often chosen as much for their looks as for their voices.

Nice Story on the Roots of Italo Disco

More to come.

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