Sunday, September 3, 2017

Tie Me Down Romance

I usually don't write about Hi Nrg.  At the time I have to admit I didn't appreciate it much.  I much preferred traditional disco and new wave.  But in D.C. where I was going to university Hi Nrg was huge.  So some of the songs seeped into my awareness and through their being ubiquitous I learned to love some of them.

Jessica Williams first release Queen of Fools came in at the tail end of the disco era in 1979.  She was also a member of Arpeggio who had a huge disco hit in 1978 with Love and Desire and then a few years later came back with some hi nrg releases.

But here I'm choosing to feature Romance with Tie Me Down nine minutes and twenty four seconds of infectious Hi Nrg at it's finest.  Great vocals by Jessica Williams and you have the recipe for dance floor success.  Albeit not as big as her 70's success but she got to work with Simon Soussan the Canadian she had worked with in Arpeggio and who also French Kiss and Charisma among other acts.  He was one of these controversial dance music svengali's not like Ian Levine.  Soussan also worked on the film Thank God it's Friday.

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