Friday, August 24, 2018 knocked me down like a Hurricane

Toronto based Hi Nrg group Tapps are the epitome of the white Hi Nrg sound of the mid 80's.  A sound that almost seemed forced on us in D.C. when I was clubbing there as a teen, but in the end I'll have to admit that a lot of it holds a special place in my heart.

A sound that was decidedly Saint and Fire Island not Loft and Paradise Garage.  White queens ruled dance music in the 80's though so this niche sound had it's audience throughout the world.  Absolutely not urban but fun all the same.

There first dance hit was My Forbidden Lover in 1983.  It's probably my favorite of theirs.  Though from 1983 to 1987 a danced to a few.  In 1987 there only album Turn it On was released and it served as sort of greatest hits.

I've also included a mix from 1985 which includes their single from that year Hurricane.  It included tasty morsels like Stacey Q and an alternate version of one of my favorite songs from the era The Night.

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