Friday, February 28, 2020

A Little bit of Jazz

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Once over 10 years ago I told Jimmy Michaels that A Little bit of Jazz was my favorite disco song.  So for my birthday he made me a mix.  I used to love dancing to this record at The Loft it was definitely a favorite of David Mancuso's.
So when I saw the Disco File Top 40 for the week it was #1 it made me think of the song.

While I was about to zip it up for you guys I realized I had a Greg Womack mix too.  Since we are honoring him four years after his passing I only felt appropriate to share it with you all.
JIMMY M MiX, pub-9672253206618216, DIRECT, f08c47fec0942fa0


  1. the jimmy m mix is INSANE---wow
    thank you for sharing and turning me on :)

    ric in portland, oregon

  2. Looking at those charts is like looking back in time at a specific moment.
    everything just comes into focus about where we were and what we were doing back when.
    Thanks Michael.

  3. Hey Michael,
    Thanks for sharing both great versions, I did have Greg's from the Prelude series he shared a few years back.
    RIP Greg!
    I also agree with Paul about those charts, I was spinning music back in those days myself....great memories and an amazing time.

  4. Thanks so much for sharing this.
