Sunday, March 15, 2020

Before there was Madonna there was Deep in Vogue

No need to get into a whole theory on how important Malcolm McLaren was.  Fact is he was genius!

Madonna ever the one to take inspiration from others was certainly influenced by this 1989 release by Malcolm McLaren and the Bootzilla Orchestra.  I can assure you being on the New York club scene in flying colors during this period, Deep in Vogue was OVER!
And the video of course featured the legendary Willie Ninja.  Truly a master of the art of voguing and an inspirational force on the New York Club scene in that period.  I used to love to go to Sound Factory Bar on Wednesdays where it seemed like the whole dance floor was packed with professional dancers and banjie boys.  But it was always just for a hot minute because my tribe was around the corner at Disco 2000 at The Limelight.  And whatever party was serving club kid action that competed with it.

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