Sunday, December 6, 2020

I can't imagine what it's like to be Latoya

At least Rebbie had one big hit.  The farthest LaToya ever got was #56. I actually think she's had a few cute songs.  The debut single in 1980 If you Feel the Funk was actually a solid release. Hot Potato was a decent R&B dance tune. Here I'm including the 12" of Imagination backed with her cover of Prince's Private Joy.  I particularly like her rendition Michael fans generally hate her She's one of few Jackson family members that ever kind of spoke out against her brother.  I guess she didn't have much to lose since she was pretty much considered a flop anyway. My favorite is probably 2003's Just Wanna Dance where she went under the moniker Toy.



  2. A lot of the filefactory links on your blog are being flagged by my anti-virus as having either a virus or malware...

  3. You are the only person to tell me that and I've had the blog since 2008.

  4. Did you try cutting and pasting the link just above here. It definitely works at my house.
