Nothing can really be said about this record without sounding banal. For voguers, ball children, Garageheads, Loftheads, Body and Soul fans and many d.j.'s and club punters along the way it's been an inspiration and the stimulus of much joy.
Originally a 45 rpm release in 1973 it seemed to simmer and boil throughout the years until exploding in the late 70's as an out and out disco classic. It's been re-pressed many times including in 1979 when MFSB shared the billing with The Three Degrees.
The Danny Krivit remix is the definitive one to have. Danny himself was right in the thick of it all too. He like David Mancuso came to prominence in the 70's and has continued to be active ever since. Often his projects are billed under aliases like Mr. K.
His version was included on the compilation to accompany the classic dance scene book Last Night a DJ Saved My Life which I blogged about a couple years ago here on Disco Vinyl.
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