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Friday, April 26, 2024

My Love Won't Let you Down & Heaven on Earth NATHALIE that italo disco sound VIA France


Another classic from 1983 was a Belgian record by Nathalie.  My Love Won't Let You Down which was even featured in the Cinema Panettone film Vacanza di Natale.


Though it peaked at #12 in Italy you'd have thought it was much bigger.  It was literally everywhere for months.  It was produced by Peter Godwin who had his own string of new wave hits around that time including Baby's in the Mountains and Images of Heaven.

Ecoute mon coeur qui cra-cra-craque

My 45 r.p.m. single had this cover.

Nathalie wasn't actually that obscure.  She did background vocals for Pino D'angio and even did a duet with Plastic Bertrand.  The song called L'Amour OK was a hit in Italy as well as France and Belgium.

The vocals are decidedly worse on her 1984 follow-up Heaven on Earth.  HEAVEN ON EARTH

I've added a fabulous dub edit in the comments section.